Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence Adoption Strategy: Accelerating Decision Advantage , June 27 , 2023
From the report: "As the 2022 National Defense Strategy (NDS) makes clear, the United States possesses strengths that our competitors cannot match, among them our diverse and open society, our culture of ingenuity, our innovation base, and our globe-spanning network of Allies and partners. The Department leverages these strengths by distributing authority, empowering leaders in our All-Volunteer Force to innovate at the edge and apply their own judgment to combine old and new capabilities into superior operational concepts. The latest advancements in data, analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies enable leaders to make better decisions faster, from the boardroom to the battlefield. Therefore, accelerating the adoption of these technologies presents an unprecedented opportunity to equip leaders at all levels of the Department with the data they need, and harness the full potential of the decision-making power of our people."
Authors - Department of Defense
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